Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Rick Carter
67 South Main, Suite 110
Layton, Utah - 84041
Phone: 801-644-2323
Fax: 801-444-9134
E-mail: rcarter@graystonemortgage.com
Website: www.graystonemortgage.com

Clearing your Mind

Have you ever experienced this scenario: You lie down and try to fall asleep, but you start thinking about what you need to get done the next day. You may focus on what time the kids need to get picked up from school or a proposal that needs to be completed for work. Maybe you think about a bill that needs to be paid, but you do not have the funds to pay it. All of these thoughts create stress, causing you to toss and turn for hours before you finally fall asleep.

Sometimes we have so many different things going on in our lives that our minds get overloaded and do not function correctly. This can be especially true during stressful situations, when the mind needs to be cleared so the brain can be refreshed.

This is often easier said than done, especially when we are tense and worried about getting a task completed. Here are a few ways that we can clear our minds:

Center yourself – Think of a place/time that brings you to a complete state of peace. Maybe this was a vacation that you went on or a very special holiday that you spent with your family. This will help to remove the worry and stress from the task you need to complete.

Exercise – Often times the best way to clear your mind is to run/work out. This will help to take all of the energy that is being focused on the task, remove the stress and worry, and rejuvenate the body and mind.

Take a five minute break – Sometimes if you have several things that are stressing you out, it is best to remove yourself from the situation. By taking a five minute break, you can re-focus yourself on the task at hand and what needs to be done to complete it.

Meditate – One way to clear your mind is to put on soft music and meditate. During this time, do not focus on any of your worries. You will be very surprised by the calming effect that you will experience.

Although life can be often be very hectic, you need to take time to clear the mind and relax. It is very important for not only your sanity, but also your overall happiness.

Call me today and we can discuss how clearing your mind will help to focus your thoughts and make you a happier person!

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